JOAN PELLISA, Luthier and expert in historical instruments
La Fatarella, Tarragona
LECTURE - April 30, 2017
NAU3 - Centre Cultural l'Escorxador, Badalona
Joan Pellisa n Pellisa offered us a detailed chronological review of the life of Antonio de Torres, considered the father of the current classical guitar, and also told us little-known curiosities and details of his life.
Because Antonio de Torres' life was a constant trickle of trips, changes of address, business changes ... and in the guitars that came out of his workshop there is also a notable variety of models, both in size and in materials.
Joan Pellisa also brought us closer to the concepts applied by the maestro to the different guitar variants that he built throughout his life, in his two construction periods, emphasizing the main innovations that contributed to establishing his instruments as a reference models.
Here you can watch the video of the lecture, although it is not complete because the camera drained its battery 10 minutes before the end, sorry. Despite this, we have edited the material and published it.
You can watch the video of the conference below. Unfortunately it is not complete because the installed camera drained its battery before finishing. We apologize. Despite this, we have edited and published the 45 minutes recording because we think it is a very interesting material.
VIDEO (Spanish, 46'):
Joan Pellisa is today one of the most active Catalan luthiers.
With an excellent basic training, under the guidance of Jaume Bosser, Raúl Yagüe and especially José Luís Romanillos, Joan Pellisa builds excellent string instruments in his workshop located in La Fatarella, Tarragona, Spain.
Must be added his knowledge as a historian and researcher, born from his ten years dedicated to the documentation and cataloging of the instrumental and sound collections of the Museu de la Música de Barcelona.
nally, he is also a good popularizer. The result is a considerable number of publications as articles, lectures and books.